Sefer Devarim

Parashat Re'e

Part 1: Blessings & Curses and Intro to the Chukim U'Mishpatim Section (11:26 - 12:5)
Part 2: The Place that Hashem Will Choose - Biblical Jerusalem (12:6-28)
Part 3: BAD INFLUENCES - Beware! (12:29 - 14:2)
Part 4: Animals You Can Eat, and Food You Must Tithe (14:3-29)
Part 5: Shemitta - A "Holy Economy" for a "Holy Nation" (15:1-23)
Part 6: The Shalosh Regalim - Can God Command Happiness? (16:1-17)

Now Playing: Part 1

Blessings & Curses and Intro to the Chukim U'Mishpatim Section
Profile of Rabbi Menachem  Leibtag
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion