Sefer Bemidbar
Parashat Shelah
Part 1: The Mission of the Seakers (Spies) to Eretz Yisrael (13:1-25)
Part 2: The Report of Ten Spies and Kalev & Yehoshua's Response (13:26 - 14:10)
Part 3: God's Anger, Moshe's Prayer and the Punishment Not to Enter Eretz Yisrael (14:11-39)
Part 4: The Ma'apilim and the Nesachim Additions to Sacrifices (14:40 - 15:16)
Part 5: Hallah and the Sacrifice for Worshipping Idols (15:17-31)
Part 6: The Mekoshesh and Sisit (15:32-41)